Edison Maksim Nathaniel Vincent knows the meanings of his names but can he become all his names make him out to be? In the second of the Edison series our hero re-enters the Eternal Forest to explore the mysterious Castle of Doubts, confront the UNKNOWN and discover enemies new and old.
I wrote first for my grandchildren (currently six of them) and their parents, my three sons and their spouses. I also wrote for all children and young people who are trying to find their true selves and work out where they fit in the world.
It takes place in the Eternal forest. It's not Narnia or Middle Earth but it is a place of adventure, life changing encounters as well as unseen dangers and great opportunities.
The four gospels lay behind much of the book. Four of the mythical creatures Edison encounters are based on a vision the ancient prophet Ezekiel had in the Old Testament.
Some of the ideas just dropped into my head ("divine inspiration" I guess). Subconsciously, I am probably influenced by C.S. Lewis' Narnia Chronicles and J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. I read the stories to my children when they were younger. These two authors are masters at writing stories that explore the big issues of life.
No, I believe girls and boys will enjoy it. In my next book in the series "Edison and the Castle of Doubts," Edison is joined by his sister Sophia who is just as much part of the story as he is.
During his adventures Edison discovers what each of his four names mean. What does your name mean? Try Googling it or look it up in a book about names. Does your name have anything to do with the kind of person you are or would like to be?
I have written a book mainly for adults about discovering who we truly are. It's called Discovering and Developing Your Royal Identity. It's available on Kindle.